

Which Country Has Highest iPhone Users?

Highest iPhone Users

The top countries with the most iPhone users are China, France, and Russia. These countries are followed by the United States and the United Kingdom.


Despite being a niche smartphone brand, Apple's iPhones have enjoyed great love in India. Apple has been the market leader in the luxury smartphone sector for some time now, and India represents a growing market for the Cupertino-based tech giant.

Apple has been increasing its focus on India, and its reseller partners have reported strong profit growth due to high demand for Apple products. Apple's reseller partners reported a 26% profit increase in the September quarter.

In a recent survey by Cashify, iPhone was voted the most preferred smartphone brand in Delhi and Mumbai. The survey surveyed 8,000 people from different states.

The survey found that 56% of smartphone users in India bought a smartphone for under INR 10,000. It also found that iPhone users were most likely to purchase Apple-specific accessories and apps. Apple was also the top-selling brand in the ultra-premium segment in the second quarter of this year.

The iPhone has been the hottest-selling smartphone model for the past two years. Its latest model, the iPhone 13 and iPhone 13 Plus became the most popular models in Q3 of this year. These devices cost 79,900 and 98,900 rupees, respectively.

Although India is the biggest smartphone market in the world, Apple's share is still relatively small. The iPhone holds 4% of the market in India, while Android devices save 95%. However, the smartphone market in India has grown 47 times since 2008.

In fact, Android smartphones have grown 48 times in unit volume sales in the past 15 years.


Having the highest number of iPhone users worldwide is a testament to the popularity of mobile devices. Japan is the largest smartphone market in the world. The iPhone meets the Japanese need for simplicity and ease of use. It also provides high-quality graphics and battery efficiency. The iPhone is more affordable than many Android phones.

The average price of an iPhone in Japan is around $700 to $800. However, the cheapest iPhone 14 series was over Y100,000 when it was released in September. That price barrier is a major psychological hurdle for many shoppers.

Apple dominated the smartphone market in Japan during the fourth quarter of 2020. Apple shipped over six million units to Japan in the quarter. The company's market share was 52.6%.

In Japan, the iPhone dominated the market in both sales and shares. Apple's iOS accounted for 32 percent of the total market share. Apple also received a large boost from its carrier Softbank. The company gave Softbank exclusive access to carry the iPhone. Softbank's marketing skills and aggressive marketing helped boost Apple's popularity.

iPhones are also popular with Japanese gamers. The small size of the iPhone makes it a killer mobile gaming platform.

Apple's iPhone also allows for mobile payments. It has also introduced emojis, a type of graphical representation, which has improved chatting.

The iPhone's high-quality graphics, excellent battery efficiency, and vast catalog of great games are also popular in Japan. The iPhone is also a popular device in Canada.

3-United States

The iPhone is the most popular among the many smartphone brands. The device is the most popular in the United States, where it is used by an estimated 60 percent of Americans. Apple has long had a presence in the United States. However, it is now being used around the world.

The iPhone has been a mainstay in the United States since the company's introduction in 2007. Over the past nine years, Apple has sold over one billion iPhones.

Apple has been pushing into other areas of the smartphone industry, including finance. The iPhone has helped Apple reach a market cap of $2 trillion. This is one of the most oversized market caps in the industry, but Apple still needs to be the most significant mobile device vendor.

In fact, Android has had a larger market share. However, it is less widespread outside of North America than Apple.

The iPhone is actually the most popular mobile device in the world. The company's iPhone XR accounted for 48 percent of all iPhone sales in the United States in the first half of 2019. In fact, the iPhone XR is the most popular mobile phone model in the world, with 40.5 hours of battery life.

The iPhone XR is also one of the most expensive mobile phones on the market. It costs around $750-800. It has a long battery life and offers a slew of features.


The UK has the highest number of iPhone users among the world's smartphone markets. According to a new report, more than half of all UK households own an iPhone. This is up from 43% in 2018.

While the iPhone was not the only smartphone that made the cut, it is the most popular. The iPhone has many apps, some of which are free to download. Among the most popular paid apps, Tinder and Minecraft top the list.

The number of iPhone users has increased steadily over the years. In fact, it has hit nearly 4 billion in total. But while the iPhone has many users, its market share still needs to catch up to Android. Android still dominates the smartphone market, having a monopoly in all of the major markets in the world.

iPhone users are spread out across a variety of age groups. The largest share of iPhone owners in the UK is among millennials. iPhone 7 and 8 are the most popular models in the UK. However, iPhone XR is the least popular among iPhone users.

iPhones are also popular in Germany, France, and Italy. Despite the growth in iPhone sales in the UK, Android has enjoyed a larger market share. Android is expected to topple iOS as the top smartphone maker in the UK by 2023.

Android is still the best bet when it comes to the smartphone market. The number of Android users in the UK will surpass the 30 million mark in 2023.


Although cell phone ownership has grown exponentially in the last decade, Sub-Saharan Africa still has the lowest smartphone penetration rates. However, the region is the fastest-growing smartphone market in the world. Several African nations have significant minorities owning smartphones. In addition, smartphone prices have fallen considerably.

Smartphones can do almost everything a primary phone can and can access the Internet. They can also access apps. They can send and receive text messages, and they can make payments. However, their market share in Africa is smaller than the market for these devices in the United States or the United Kingdom. They have just over a 60% share of the total market in Africa.

One-third of adults in Africa own a smartphone. Smartphone ownership is exceptionally high in South Africa. Smartphone owners are also much more likely to engage in mobile activities than non-mobile owners. These activities include social networking, searching for jobs, and using their phones to transfer money.

Most African cell owners use their phones to send and receive text messages. Almost half of them have done so in the last year. Smartphone owners are also much more likely to use their phones to send and receive money than non-mobile owners.

One-third of mobile owners in sub-Saharan Africa use their phones to obtain health information. Another third use their phone to obtain consumer information. They also get political news on their phones.


Almost half of Iranians own a smartphone. And many of them are on the iPhone. The device is the most popular in Iran. But iPhones are not actually legal to hold in the country. They are brought in by smugglers.

There are no official agents for Apple in Iran. So Iranians must rely on unofficial channels to get an iPhone. The price tag is steep. The iPhone 13 has sold for over $2,000 in Iran.

Despite the popularity of the iPhone, the Iranian government has made numerous attempts to ban iPhones. Apple's enterprise certificates, which allow Iranian apps to work on the iPhone, were revoked. This will damage the Iranian tech sector.

A new approach has been proposed by a group of Iranian activists. They developed a method using Tor servers inside Iran to scale its internet walls. The technique has the potential to be more effective than its predecessors.

The group's methods have already gained some endorsement from the free-speech community. And they are now being used by hundreds of Iranians.

The group's method uses a Tor server inside Iran to send content to users in the country. They posted the process on GitHub. It also tracked Internet outages in Iran. They say the restrictions on internet access have become more pronounced since the November 2019 massacre.

The group's approach involves engaging the Iranian tech community outside the country.

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